Our Universal Credit campaign mascot Bob is here to help you get ready for Universal Credit.
When BOB heard his benefits were changing to become a single monthly Universal Credit payment, he got ready to Bank, go Online and Budget so that he could claim.
Universal Credit can only be paid into a bank account. Set one up or use the one you already have.
This Money Advice Service website information page explains what you need to do to set one up.
Please get in touch if you need help from our team.
All claims are managed online, so you need to know where you can access the internet and you need the skills to go online.
Digital Communities Wales can tell you where you can find the nearest public computer.
Our Money Advisors can also signpost you to help with using computers and the internet. Please Contact Us.
Universal Credit is paid monthly rather than weekly or fortnightly, so you need to plan your budget. This Money Manager tool by the Money Advice Service will help you start budgeting.
What else did BOB do?
- He made an email address
- He registered on www.GOV.UK/VERIFY
- He started saving a couple of pounds each week so he had money before his first UC payment (it takes at least five or six weeks for your first payment to arrive after you make your claim).