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Tablet donation helps families and patients

09 Feb 2021

Tenant news

The nurses at B6 Covid Ward at University Hospital of Wales with their tablet donation from United Welsh

United Welsh has donated tablets to help families struggling in lockdown and to support patients on a Cardiff Covid-19 ward.

20 tablets were donated to families living in United Welsh homes to support parents and children who were struggling to access home-schooling materials due to a lack of devices.

Tablets were also donated to the B6 Covid ward at the University Hospital of South Wales, Cardiff, to support patients and their families.

Nurse Caroline Read said: “A huge thank you to United Welsh for the generous donation of the tablets.

“They will be available to all patients at B6 Covid ward to contact their loved ones while they are in hospital and unable to have visits. It is huge reassurance for their families.”

We’re glad the donation will make a difference and we hope lockdown has been made easier for the families who received tablets for home-schooling.