22 Dec 2021
Community News
“Hi there, I am a Customer Engagement Coordinator specialising in Lettings, which means I allocate homes to people.
“I deal with all New Build allocations, so I have the pleasure of offering brand new homes to people but I also support the team with re-letting other United Welsh properties when I have availability.
“I’m a people person, so I love that I get to speak to people from all walks of life, with different life stories and experiences. I’m amazed by how resilient people can be in adversity. Being able to offer support to people through the housing process and providing a home is rewarding, as well as offering all that comes with being housed by United Welsh.
“I deal with the allocation process from start to finish, so this includes working with different local authorities as housing applicants are shortlisted and selected.
“I make the initial contact with applicants and this is my favourite part of the role, as you get to chat with potential new tenants. I also work closely with the Development team throughout the allocation process, feeding back information about the new homes to the new tenants. Once the properties are ready to let, I arrange all the tenancy paperwork and organise moving dates – the exciting part!
“I have worked for United Welsh for so long that I can’t even remember what I did before working here! I think I worked in Insurance.
“It’s lovely to think that I’ve played an important role in helping people to move into their own homes, and I’m part of the happy memories that come with that. Particularly as the role of a housing association is so important, with us providing affordable, secure homes for people in the most need.”
“I love being part of the new developments process as I get to see it progress from land to homes. It can be a rollercoaster of emotions when there are delays and there’s nothing you can do about it, but when you get the confirmation that the keys are ready to give and people can move in, it’s such a great feeling.
“I also love my team. They are so supportive and we all bounce off each other. There is so much knowledge and everyone works really hard to get great outcomes. And then United Welsh – as an employer, you honestly couldn’t get any better. I wouldn’t want to work anywhere else. They are constantly evolving and moving with the times. They look after their staff and through the pandemic they have been amazing.
“Working in housing, you really do feel like you’re making a lasting difference to people’s lives. I’m proud of what I’ve achieved over the years.”