30 Jun 2022
Business news
“United Welsh implemented the Real Living Wage in 2020 as part of our commitment to build homes, create communities and transform lives, and crucially, the commitment to our people working at United Welsh to enjoy their role in making that happen.
Being a Living Wage Employer means we reflect our values, especially in terms of equality and supporting. We are showing how much we appreciate the fantastic job our staff do at an individual level. In the current climate, financial worries can be a huge source of burden. Mind have recently published their support in helping people with money worries as outlined here, and at United Welsh, we feel that this is a huge step forward in doing all we can to support in ensuring as far as possible that our staff have a decent standard of life for themselves, and their families.
Since gaining Living Wage accreditation, we have actively promoted the real Living Wage on our website, marketing recruitment campaigns as well as encouraging our contractors and suppliers to pay the Real living wage if they don’t already do so.”
This week is Living Wage Week 2021, celebrating 20 years of the Living Wage movement. The real Living Wage is paid by over 9,000 UK businesses and organisations who believe their staff deserve a wage which meets their everyday needs, like the weekly shop or a surprise trip to the dentist.