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Help with money

Our Money Advice team can help you to deal with any money problems that you may be having, offering information and advice to help you make the most of your money; as well as support with paying your rent.

This includes budgeting advice for paying your rent and prioritising debt; support to understand your benefits situation and what you may be entitled to, and lots more!

If you’d like speak to the team, please get in touch.

Ways to pay your rent

There are several ways you can pay your rent, including Direct Debit, our app TED, or right here on our website.

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Universal Credit

Universal Credit is a benefit for people in or out of work. It is replacing Housing Benefit, Child Tax Credit, Working Tax Credit, Income Support, Employment Support Allowance (income related) and Job Seekers Allowance (income based).

Learn about Universal Credit, how to claim it and what could prompt a move onto it.

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Moving to Universal Credit from legacy benefits

If you’re currently receiving certain benefits, soon you might be asked by the Department of Work and Pensions to move to Universal Credit to keep receiving financial support.

This page is a guide to help you understand if you’ll be asked to move, what you need to do and when you need to make the move to Universal Credit.

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Low-cost furniture

We work with Boomerang Cardiff to provide second-hand, low-cost furniture, helping people who receive low incomes or claim benefits to furnish their home.

This includes items such as beds, mattresses, wardrobes, sofas and vacuum cleaners.

If you are unable to purchase items yourself, we may be able to help you through our Money Support Fund. Please get in touch with us to find out more.

Price List

Money Support Fund

With the difficulties of the pandemic and the rising cost of living, our Money Support Fund was created to give people a helping hand. We awarded 44 payments to help people in the last financial year.

Talk to our Money Advice team for more information about how to apply.

Get in touch

Home Contents Insurance

We insure our buildings in case of fire, flood or serious damage, but you may not be aware that we do not insure your personal contents or belongings as part of your contract. You should consider what a home contents insurance policy would cover you for, to help you make an informed decision on whether you need one.

Find out more
Yvonne Davies - Income & Money Advice Manager
Liam Bouse - Rents Team Leader
Jess Hedges - Money Advisor
Donna Murphy - Universal Credit Project Officer
Joe O'Brien - Money Advisor
Simone Dasilva - Money Advisor
Sascha Williams - Money Advice Team Leader
Sam Wangiel - Income Team Leader
Rachel Honey - Sustainability Officer
Melanie Arnold, Rent Officer (Older Persons and Supported Housing)
Mark Jones - Sustainability Officer
Lynne Rees - Money Advisor
Linzi Morris - Money Advisor
Lesley Bevan - Rent Officer
Karen Llewellyn - Rent Officer
Julie Morris - Rent Officer
Hollie Simmons - Rent Officer
Debra Rosser - Money Advisor
Claire Rodgers - Rent Officer
Cerys Bouse - Rent Officer
Alison Hill - Rent Officer
Daniel Bevan - Service Charge Lead